"I Have Just 6 New Spots Open for the Next 2 Weeks Only! ... Hurry!"

"Email to My Double Opt-in List of 226,000 Internet- and Affiliate-Marketers and Online Opportunity Seekers & Online Buyers!"

10/15/2024, Tuesday, 07:33 pm EST

Listen up! ...

The BEST way to "jumpstart" your online sales is to joint-venture with a MEGA-Affiliate (i.e., someone who is at least 10-100 times more powerful than a super-affiliate!)

Occasionally I allow others to promote their message or opportunity to my amazing list of now more than 226,000 double opt-ins.

These 226,000 are the highest-quality names and email addresses of people who've actually purchased our product line -including:

Also, these people include 10,000's of people who are currently Affiliates for:

If you want shocking PROOF just look BELOW at these completely unsolicited testimonials from real users of our list!


"Man in UK makes over $12,600 in just hours after we sent his sales message!"

David Congreave of The Nettle sent us his emailing, and within just hours after sending it out to our list David made over $12,600!

His offer was for his Lucid-SEO e-course showing people how to get amazing levels of traffic through search engine optimization!

David even told us that our list out-performed everyone else's list - even by as much as 52% better than the results of all his affiliates COMBINED!

click to view video

David Congreave, United Kingdom

This just in!
Play this extra Special message
from David Congreave

"The Squidoo Queen herself, Kelly Stone, used our e-list and made more sales & got more affiliates perhaps than through any other single source!..."

That's right! World-famous Kelly Stone ("The Squidoo Queen") cashed in $1,000's in just days just by sending out a single emailing to our proven e-list!

Kelly says our list out-pulls others hands down 15-to-1!

Our list gave her instant responses and terms of both traffic and sales! ... Generating tons & tons of sales immediately!

Kelly Stone, The Squidoo Queen


"Stacey Stanley used our list and as a result shot to the TOP of her Program... even got a $1400 Bonus Check!"

Stacey wrote us saying... "I wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to send out my ad to your list. I am thrilled with the results.

"In my very first week as an affiliate for Global Domains International, because of your list I became the #1 affiliate in the company - worldwide - in the number of new sign-ups in my downline. This qualified me for a $1,400 bonus!

"But most importantly, it jump started my on-line business in a big way.

"Thanks so much... and if you offer this opportunity again, I will be first in line to pay!"

Stacey Stanley


Wouldn't you like to join them?

Well, now you can!

But I must warn you: In order to keep our list of excellent quality we will NOT accept but a few choice promoters to share access to our list!

Therefore, if you fail to act quickly you will most likely forever miss out on some amazing instant cash you could have made otherwise!

So my advice to you is to hurry and take us up on this rare and exciting offer.

How Does Our List Compare to All the Other Biggest Internet Marketing Top-Dogs Online?

If you've ever emailed to someone else's list, then you know what kind of results you can expect.

But if you've ever emailed to many Internet marketers' lists you may see huge differences in your results depending on such things as:

So as you can see, there are several crucial factors to consider when selecting who to go with.

But regardless, our list out pulls even much, much larger lists (*even ones provided by some of the BIGGEST and most FAMOUS Internet marketing legends!)

For insightful proof just look at this comment we received in a recent email …

"Hi Dr Jon ... I recently sent out to [name withheld]'s list of 400,000 double-optin names and emails, as well as to yours [*then a bit smaller than it is today!] ... and I am amazed at the difference! ... YOURS out pulled his by 17 times as much!"

Wow! Wasn't that impressive?

So if you're thinking about making email marketing a major part of your online marketing efforts, then you KNOW that you must take advantage of this amazing and exceptional opportunity NOW!

But would you like even more Proof?...

We have an amazing list!

Get Google Ads Free alone has shot to the top of the Web! If you've been following our success, then you already know we must have the BEST e-list around.

Our list has been carefully screened, cultivated and tested to see that it produces the absolute very BEST response to any opportunity offer.

Every single day about 300-500 new people sign up for our FREE Newsletter at our flagship ebook sales-site's Home Page at Get Google Ads Free at the top left.

We send out every 2 days consecutive issues testing a variety of offers, including our own.

Because of the frequency, the size of each outgoing emailer, and other factors, we have siphoned, filtered, and cultivated a truly fantastically responsive list!

The same holds true with all our other lists as well -and you get to blast to all of them in an instant by securing your own specialty massive emailing using our JV-Rocket!

Important Point...

Those not interested in our offers usually opt-out very quickly due to the frequency of our emailers, as each also contains the usual click-to-opt-out link clearly visible for the recipient's use.

This means that after 40 consecutive issues, those remaining are here to stay and produce the best quality conversions-to-sales ever!

Step 1 of 3:

Terms of Service

Once services are performed they cannot be undone, and no specific level or minimum can be legally promised.

Therefore, in order to protect us from consumer fraud, we require that you waive beforehand your right to a refund or to do a chargeback.

By clicking and submitting your order below, you are therefore agreeing IN WRITING to our Terms of Service accordingly:

Your Name:
Company Name:

Sign your name in the space below with your mouse.

alt="Your browser understands the <APPLET> tag but isn't running the applet for some reason." Your browser is completely ignoring the <APPLET> tag!

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© JV Rocket, Inc. A Division of WebBusinessSecrets.com LLC
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